🔑 3 Keys to Video Prospecting

Read Time: 3 Minutes

Hot Take: in the near future, it’s going to be weird if you’re not video prospecting.

I compare this to unlimited PTO. You’re seeing an onslaught of companies offer unlimited PTO as a lofty benefit and pretty soon, the companies that don’t will stick out like a sore thumb.

Same goes for salespeople who don’t use tools like Vidyard or Sendspark.

Don’t get left behind, start using video now.

As salespeople, we have two new modern responsibilities:

  1. Meet our buyers where they are (learn where they hang out online & hang out in the same place)

  2. Deliver content the way they perform (95% of B2B buyers prefer video content over written content)

The future of sales (and work in general) is digital. Lean into that fact by getting comfortable in front of the camera and make video prospecting a regular part of your multi-threaded approach. At first, it’s going to feel uncomfortable. And that’s okay.

When you shoot a basketball or swing a golf club with the correct form, it feels awkward at first, but eventually becomes natural and you fall into a groove with your own unique style. The same thing happens with video prospecting.

Here are 3 Keys to Video Prospecting:

  1. Write a Script! Salespeople are notorious for winging it, which is the quickest way to waste your time. You’ll dramatically increase your chance of conversion with a little bit of planning. Spend 3-4 minutes writing a script using the H.I.P Framework to quickly hook your prospect with a pain/problem. The goal here is to “punch your prospect in the face” with your opening line (not literally). Then, speak to the impact your solution can have on the pain. Lastly, propose a next step. Note: if this is your first video message to the prospect, I’d encourage you not to ask for their time yet. Why? You haven’t earned it. Yet.

  2. Practice Recording! (a lot)Like I said, you might feel uncomfortable in front of the camera at first, but you’ll want to get comfortable as quickly as possible. The generation entering the workforce now (and later) have grown up in front of the camera on their phones, it’s normal to them. To remain a salesperson with relevant skills, normalize the camera for yourself. Once you have your script, don’t think about it. Just hit record again and again. Do this at least 10 times, step away for 10 minutes, come back and watch your last recording. Then try it again. You’ll start having fun a lot faster than you think.

  3. Have fun with it! This goes back to practicing and being comfortable. There’s levels to everything and video prospecting is no different. Don’t just get the words out - have fun with your delivery, let your personality shine through, and take a few risks. Maybe have a sign with their name on it. Wear a suit ironically. Record on your patio in your backyard. Don’t forget, sales (and work in general) is a very different game these days. We’re in an era of extreme individualism and transparency. Gong Labs data shows there is an 8% increase in close rates when then the salesperson curses on call. Not surprising at all - people respect people who are themselves. Note: I’m not suggesting you curse in your video message, but you get my point. Put yourself out there!

Look, if you do it for no other reason than gaining the experience for your next career move, it’s worth it!

Worst case scenario: you tried a new approach, stepped outside your comfort zone and can add it to your resume.

Best case scenario: your meeting conversion rate increases (very likely)

As someone who is responsible for hiring salespeople, I can tell you I’m looking for individuals with video prospecting experience. That tells me they’re innovative, excited to try new strategies, and aren’t afraid of a challenge.

Pretty soon, it’ll be odd if “Video Prospecting” isn’t on your resume.

That’s all I got! Go make one video today!

🚨 Upcoming Event on August 1st 🚨

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • 7-Step Easy Contract Call Script

  • H.I.P. Email Framework

  • A.R.C. Objection Handling Framework

We’ll be doing live practice so you can see these strategies work in real-time. I’ll play the “Seller” on each item above so there’s no pressure on you!

Note: if you’d like to join but can’t make it, go ahead and enroll! We’re sending out the recording afterwards.