How to Prioritize Prospects

Where You Spend Time Dictates Success

Whether it’s weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually - your goal is to hit quota. Time and time again.

One of the biggest indicators that you’ll hit quota is where you spend your time. So, how do you decide who the right prospects are?

And once you decide who they are, what’s the best way to approach them?

Here’s a quick 3-Prong Model for Prospect Prioritization & Outreach:


Your Tier 1 Accounts deserve 100% manual outreach cadences, personalized to the specific individual you’re reaching out to. Visit their Linkedin and do your best to tie your company’s value prop to a personal interest or accomplishment of theirs.

These accounts allow you to fall in love with your sales process, force you to think critically about approach, and are your biggest payoffs. Spend most of your time here.

(Pro Tip: Video Prospecting with personalization goes a long way!)

Tier 2 Accounts: These deserve your time, attention, and intermittent personalization along with automated emails including industry and functionally relevant case studies and articles.

To put together an effective “Blended” cadence, scan Outreach, Salesloft, or whichever tool you use for your organization’s best performing emails - pepper those in with mild personalization efforts and you have a scalable outreach strategy on your hands.

Tier 3 Accounts: This is a “low-hanging fruit” scenario.

Your time is not well spent here. I recommend taking the time to put together a really strong automated cadence that lasts the length of a quarter. It will take some time up front, but will allow you to quickly add low priority accounts to what is essentially a nurture campaign.

You’ll spend minimal time & energy here, so when you catch something down the road - it feels like a free win.

Spending your time on the appropriate accounts will give you more energy, produce better results, and ultimately demonstrate that you understand how to lead yourself down a successful path.

Allocating your efforts on the wrong accounts will create a perception of disorganization and a lack of understanding of your business, as well as hurt your bank account.

Choose your time wisely, my friends.

Happy Hunting!