Structuring the perfect Sales org

Time for your next promotion...

Individuals and organizations that continuously find themselves in successful positions all have one thing in common:

They create and commit to systems that make it easy to do what you need to do, even when you don’t want to do it.

The truth is, most Sales Orgs don’t have structure and data-driven processes to help you hit your quota - instead they set unrealistic expectations, hold lazy 1:1s, and aren’t taking on the responsibility to tactically enable you and your team.

If you’re in this situation, you have an opportunity to level up your game help your team with simple structure and easy-to-digest systems.

Here are the necessary components for a winning Sales Org:

  1. Principles, Values, & Commitments: It’s really important to get these right and gain buy-in from your team. If you don’t get buy-in from others before deciding on exactly what these will be, they quickly turn into platitudes. The reason having Principles, Values, & Commitments is important comes back to Accountability. Hold yourself and your team accountable not based on activity metrics, but who you’ve decided to be as a team, as a unit.

  2. Processes & Operations: This includes a clear Pre-Qualification and Cold-Calling Framework, Discovery & Demo Framework, simple hand-off process, step-by-step Salesforce and Outreach logging processes. A handful of “How-To” videos that cover your Sales Stack - make these videos 60-90 seconds and you immediately scale your entire sales org through what are essentially digital assets.

  3. Data Visibility & Reporting: You can’t improve what you can’t measure. Regardless of CRM, to track your growth and coach/be coached to the next level, you have to know where you are vs. where you want to be. Basic Reporting needs to be split into 4 Categories: Quantity Metrics (Dials, Emails, Linkedin Activity), Quality Metrics (Connects, Talk Time, Meetings) Pipeline Creation (early-stage opportunities / top of funnel), and of course - Closed/Won Revenue (Net New & Upsells).

There are a few other key areas required to truly scale a successful Sales Organization, but let’s start there. If you don’t have these 3 components in place at your company - you have a massive opportunity to add immeasurable value to your team, and now is the perfect time to solidify yourself as a Key Player in your organization.

Need a little direction and guidance on starting this conversation with your manager?

Reach out and I’ll help you frame the conversation that doesn’t offend your manager or put you in an uncomfortable position.

That’s all for today folks, see you next Tuesday!