You're the CEO of your Business

Extreme Ownership in Sales

Welcome to this week’s edition of The Daily Sales Rep!

For the first time, I have a quick ask: if you find these newsletters helpful and have 10 seconds to spare, please share this with some of your friends and colleagues. I’d truly appreciate it. 👇 👇 👇 👇

Alright, on to business.

Are you familiar with the concept (and book) Extreme Ownership?

In case you aren’t, here’s what it means in most simple terms: You own everything in your world, to an extreme degree. Anything that happens, good or bad - you own it, you do your best to control it, and most importantly - you control how you respond and overcome.

While this isn’t 100% true - because things happen to us that we simply can’t have ownership - the idea is that when you adopt this mindset, things gets better. And I agree, especially in the world of Sales.

For example, instead of blaming external circumstances; markets, money, buying windows, prospects not answering - simply don’t let those thoughts become a part of your success equation.

Why not?

Because the truth is - there is always a salesperson in your territory, calling your ICP, hitting quota at any given point. Make sure that salesperson is you.

That’s not to make you feel negative or down about your performance, but rather a reminder that you have to assume 100% control and ownership over your ability to close deals (whatever that means for you) and by simply adopting this mindset, you will close more deals.

You are the CEO of your territory, region, prospects, quota, etc. Whatever you’re responsible for - consider yourself the CEO of that thing. Treat it like your own business and you’ll perform better.

As an Individual Contributor, I always told myself “If I can’t make this work, there’s a good chance I’m not going to get where I want to go.”

Harsh? Maybe. True? Absolutely.

Let me pause for a second and be clear: this is NOT a mindset edition full of platitudes. This is a challenge to be aware of any excuse that pops into your head and refusing to let it be apart of your success equation.

Here’s what Extreme Ownership looks like tactically:

  1. Own Your Day - if you didn’t know what today looked like when you sat down at your desk, you have an opportunity to improve your planning. Take 5 minutes at the end of each day and detail your Top 3 Priorities for the following day.

  2. Know Your Source of Truth - each morning when you do sit down, don’t dive into email. Take a look at your source of truth for your business and analyze. What are the most impactful decisions you can make today to drive your business forward? What did you do yesterday that worked? Do more of that. What didn’t work? Do less of this.

  3. Commit to Input - as we all know, output is hard to predict. But it becomes more predictable when you commit to certain levels and types of input. A combination of Quantity and Quality KPIs are required for success. Don’t simply commit to 100 dials/day to feel busy. Instead, maybe you commit to 40 dials/day, 20 personalized emails/day, and to identify 20 net new prospects each day.

Extreme Ownership produces more results, drives energy and motivation, and prepares you for Leadership.

If you truly want to be a Leader in your career, the quicker you adopt Extreme Ownership, the quicker your business will see you as a Leader.

We’ll dive more into this topic on our Community Calls each month. If you’d like to learn / discuss more about Extreme Ownership, real world sales tactics, and engage in conversations with other motivated salespeople - you can join our community today for just $9/month. 

We currently have 6 spots open, sign up below if you’re interested. Next community call is March 25th!
